Claim your Z-Key by installing the XDEFI Wallet, and following all our friends in the ZetaZone!
You MUST have a Z-Key NFT in your XDEFI Wallet to be eligible for the ZetaZone $ZETA airdrop.
Note: Having only the Z-Key does not earn you any $ZETA; you must also have Z-Chains, which you can mint by completing various on-chain tasks in the ZetaChain ecosystem.
Install XDEFI
Set Up Your XDEFI Wallet: Install it on your browser and make it your priority wallet.
Log into Galxe with your XDEFI Wallet
A total of 70,000 $ZETA will be airdropped on the ZetaChain mainnet to all eligible addresses based on the number of Z-Chains you hold relative to the total supply at the time that this campaign ended..
For example: There are 10,000 total Z-Chains minted, and you hold 10. 70,000/10,000 * 10 = 70 $ZETA
Details of when the airdrop will happen is TBA.
XDEFI and ZetaChain reserve the rights to disqualify any participants for misconduct, abuse, or anything else deemed inappropriate.