zkSync Name Service Elite: Grand II - More Than 10,000 USD Worth of Prize Pool

🪧 The zkNS team feels overwhelmed by your unwavering support! We just achieved 100k owners in zkNS in the past one month! We're proud to have gained such a significant number of registrations in just one month, and we're excited to see what's to come!

Step 1:

🎯 To Get the OAT, complete the task below:

  1. Follow @star_protocol and @zknsdomains on Twitter
  2. Join Star Discord Channel
  3. Like and Tag 3 frenz
  4. Visit the zkNS website

🧑‍🚀 In order to express our gratitude, we will assign the special Discord role of ++“zkNS 100K Enthusiasts”++ to all participants!

🎁 50 x 4-Char .zk Domain for OAT Holders.

Step 2:

Flex that unique .zk name!

✨ Show on Twitter that you are a .zk domain name holder by changing your Twitter or Discord Name to xxxx(yourname).zk.

🧑‍🚀 Everyone who changes their Twitter or Discord Name can obtain the role ++zkNS Ardent Supporter++.

🎁 We will randomly select 50 .zk users to give 4-Char Ramdon .zk Domain (Ex: nice.zk which is worth 100 USD) in Discord for who owns the role ++zkNS Ardent Supporter++.


  • You should use ++guild.xyz++ to gain “zkNS 100K Enthusiasts" after minting the OAT and "zkNS Ardent Supporter" after changing the Twitter Name.
  • Please connect your Twitter and Discord on ++guild.xyz++.
  • The 4-Char .zk Domain winner list will show on our official Twitter@zknsdomains.

🍀 So join the campaign now and may zkNS luck be in your favor!
