A Moveable Feast: $ID Liquidity Provider OAT
SPACE ID is now inviting you to a Moveable Feast: $ID Liquidity Provider OAT campaign.
If you have provided liquidity on Uniswap V3 (ID/USDC), or PancakeSwap V3 (ID/USDT), or
Maverick (ID/ETH), you are eligible to claim the ID Token Liquidity Provider (V3) OAT.
Uniswap V3 ID/USDC Pool - click here.
PancakeSwap V3 ID/USDT Pool - click here.
Maverick ID/ETH Pool - click here.
Smart Savings
Use your claimable balance on Galxe Smart Savings if you need additional liquidity to complete on-chain tasks.
Deposit to earn 10%+ yield!