Ruby Protocol
Launching RubyOne Referral OAT - Earn $RUBY Reward πŸ†


πŸš€ Thrilled to launch RubyOne Referral Pogram.

You can now invite people to use the most user-friendly MPC wallet and earn $RUBY reward.

Especially when Ruby One V2 is now equipped with more advanced features. Better, Easier, And More Powerful!!


The RubyOne Referral OAT represents an on-chain record of your participation and eligibility in Ruby Protocol.

Only by claiming it, you can πŸ‘‡

  • Reap future $RUBY Airdrop
  • Access future $RUBY campaign
  • Prove you are true to Ruby & $RUBY
  • And validate you and your invitees for $RUBY

πŸ›Έ Be sure to claim yours & Join us NOW.
πŸ›Έ Be sure to stay tuned for more $RUBY campaigns.

πŸ”₯ Ruby Protocol is an Intent-Centric Account & Access Layer for Web3.

We aim to make Web3 seamless and effortless to everyone everywhere.

Our Live Products πŸ‘‰

  • Ruby One V2 (MPC Wallet)
  • Ruby Connect (Private Payment)
  • Ruby SDK (Developer Tools)