Welcome to zkBrdige Loyalty Program!
What is zkBridge?
zkBridge is the first trustless, efficient, secure, and universal cross-chain bridge with advanced zero-knowledge proof technology. zkBridge uses zkSNARKs to enable a prover to efficiently convince the receiver chain that a certain state transition happened on the sender chain. Polyhedra network launched zkBridge Mainnet Alpha on April 4th, supporting NFT transfer and message passing across 10+ layer-1 and layer-2 blockchain networks such as BNB Chain, Ethereum and Arbitrum. Currently, zkBridge offers two primary products: cross-chain NFT transfer and cross-chain zkMessenger.
The zkBridge Loyalty Program
Powered by Galxe’s Loyalty Point System, the zkBridge Loyalty Program allows users to earn loyalty points as they engage with zkBridge’s cross-chain products, interact with social media, and participate in the community. These loyalty points serve as proof of participation in the ecosystem and can be used to access future rewards and exclusive benefits.
Get started at https://zkbridge.com/