Polyhedra Network
zkLightClient NFT Mint

Campaign period:2023/06/03 00:00-2023/07/31 23:59
Claimable period:2023/06/03 00:00-2023/08/10 00:00

Claim your zkLightClient NFT on https://zkbridge.com/nft-faucet/zk-light-client for free before 1th August, 2023.

The first Credential Update will happen on 06/04/2023. Follow-up updates will be conducted every 48 hours.

Attention: Only NFT with the contract address below is valid:
BSC: 0xD2cCC9EE7Ea2ccd154c727A46D475ddA49E99852
ETH: 0x4D8910d4AbA36f856D5C1aD9f43d667E54E0A964
Polygon: 0x6b0C248679F493481411a0A14cd5FC2DBBe8Ab02

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