ClayStack - Polygon DeGens

Complete the below tasks to stand a chance to win one specially designed NFT:

  • Stake 10 MATIC on ClayStack
  • Deposit at-least 5 MATIC and 5 csMATIC to the Balancer pool at Here (**Depositing matic and csmatic should be done in the same transaction. If done seperately, it will not be counted)
  • Follow ClayStack on Twitter
  • Join our community on Telegram
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  • Like and retweet our ClayStack MATIC v2 tweet
  • Follow Polygon DeFi on Twitter and Retweet this tweet

ClayStack is a decentralized liquid staking protocol that unlocks the capital efficiency of staked assets in Proof-of-Stake (PoS) networks. It does that by issuing derivative tokens for every stakeable token that users deposit thus removing the need for users to lock their capital within the network to earn staking rewards. These are known as csTokens, and they:

a) are fully backed (pegged 1:1) by the original tokens and

b) increase in value over time as staking rewards accrue in these tokens.

Since they are fully backed by the underlying staked tokens, they can be freely used as capital across the entire DeFi ecosystem. Thus, users who stake with ClayStack get staking rewards on their csTokens and are also able to use them across DeFi to compound their yield and increase their net profit.

Smart Savings
Deposit to earn 10%+ yield!