Orderly Social Carnival —— Spotlight on HERE Wallet

Welcome to the Orderly Social Carnival, where we shine a spotlight on HERE Wallet! Get ready for an incredible campaign filled with excitement, engagement, and the chance to win amazing rewards.

📅 Campaign period:Oct 23rd ~ Dec 18th

💰 Reward:$100 USDC from Orderly + 5 HERE early user's NFT + Social carnival NFT

🙋Social Quest:

  1. Follow @OrderlyNetwork on Twitter.
  2. Follow @here_wallet on Twitter.
  3. Join the OrderlyNetwork Discord
  4. Join the @here_wallet Discord
  5. Complete 3 transactions on Here wallet and upload your transaction records to Google Form

At the end of your 8-week quest, combine your NFTs to unveil the treasures within the Orderly Carnival Mystery Box.
