Oddz Finance
Celebrating ODDZ 2.0 Launch on Avalanche [$250 USDT in Total Rewards]

About Oddz 2.0

The Oddz app, launched in 2020, opened the eyes of many crypto traders who were previously wary of derivatives to their beauty and power. On Oddz, you’re not just hedging your portfolio against market volatility.

With the right techniques, you’re taking advantage of it as well — regardless of where the market is headed. The application went on to prove that crypto volatility can be used to the favor of a portfolio, especially during the drawn-out winter that took the market down a wild cascade. Oddz wouldn’t have reached the masses without its excellent usability and accessibility that lowered the entry barriers to crypto derivatives trading.

But we think it’s time for Oddz 2.0.

Over the last years, we have added a long line-up of features and upgrades to the platform. The current application doesn’t provide space to fit them all in, without disrupting its flow. The clutter is overwhelming for a new user. Stepping into 2023, we have been working on refining the backend, frontend, and theme of the application to give users the best crypto derivatives trading experience in the market. The new version keeps in line with our principle to stay ahead of time.

About this Campaign

Win 10 USDT by completing the following quests:

  • Like & QT the mentioned Tweet
  • Visit the Oddz Finance Website
  • Buy crypto options worth $10 USDT OR Depsoit $10 USDC.e into any of the options vaults on Oddz

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