Kleoverse x Galxe – Passport Launch Campaign ☄️ ?

Join Kleoverse and Galxe to celebrate the launch of Galxe Passport ☄️ ?

Get to know the exciting ecosystems of both Kleoverse and Galxe by conducting the following tasks and earn this gorgeous OAT!

The campaign ends at 6.00 pm UTC on Sunday 18 September 2022. All tasks must be successfully conducted by then to become eligible for the OAT.


  1. Mint Galxe Passport
  2. Connect your wallet to sign up to Kleoverse and fill in your Kleoverse Profile (*)
  3. Mint Kleoverse GitHub Passport
  4. Follow Kleoverse on Twitter

For any questions, join the discussion at Kleoverse's Discord!

(*) Filling in your Kleoverse Profile means:

  • Adding a profile picture
  • Writing a description and connecting your email
  • Choosing your skills
  • Connecting your social accounts (both Github and Discord)
  • Choosing NFTs to be showcased in your Credential Showroom