iZUMi Finance
iZiSwap x zkApes Trading Campaign

To celebrate the listing of $ZAT on iZiSwap, iZiSwap and zkApes jointly launched the $ZAT trading campaign to ignite the $ZAT trading frenzy. We will airdrop 10 billion $ZAT to participants!

Event date:
Week1 - 2023/5/17 17:00(UTC+8)- 2023/5/24 17:00(UTC+ 8)
Week2 - 2023/5/24 17:00(UTC+8)- 2023/5/31 17:00(UTC+ 8)

Task requirements:

  1. Follow iZUMi Finance and zkApes Twitter accounts
  2. Join iZUMi's Discord server
  3. Trade over $10 USD of $ZAT in a week to get 1 ticket
  4. Trade over $50 USD of $ZAT in a week to get 3 tickets
  5. Trade over $200 USD of $ZAT in a week to get 5 tickets

The more tickets you get, the higher your chance of winning. We will draw 200 lucky winners to airdrop 5B $ZAT per week.

On-chain snapshots will be taken every 24 hours during the event, please wait patiently!

The winner list will be announced within 3 days after the end of each week.

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