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Helio Protocol & PancakeSwap Stake2Earn - 5,000 HAY + additional incentives!

Helio Protocol has launched a new HAY/USDT liquidity pool on PancakeSwap's Stableswap πŸš€.

With a $100K Syrup Pool + $800K of liquidity injected in our very first HAY/USDT Stableswap pair, Helio Protocol will be celebrating with the ever-popular staking campaign for our valuable Helio Guardians πŸ‘Ό.

The rules are simple πŸ€“:

  1. Deposit $50 of liquidity into our new HAY/USDT stableswap pair (approx. $25 HAY + $25 USDT)
  2. Follow Helio Protocol and PancakeSwap on Twitter
  3. RT Campaign announcement
  4. Claim OAT

50 lucky winners will walk away with 100 HAY - that is 5,000 HAY of rewards! πŸš€πŸ”₯

Did you know we also had a syrup pool that recently went LIVE? Stake HAY to earn CAKE πŸ₯ž

Don't wait any longer πŸ˜‰

More info πŸ‘‡πŸ“–

Syrup pool link:

Deposit liquidity:

What makes the stableswap so great?

Tutorial to deposit liquidity into USDT/HAY stableswap:

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