Dracoo World Glory Pass up for grabs - Claim OAT to stand a chance!
Complete the tasks below from Nov 9th to 30th, 2022 to claim an OAT, and stand a chance to get whitelisted for the Dracoo World Glory Pass.
++Off-chain Tasks++
Follow @Dracoo_Master on Twitter
++On-chain Tasks++
Completing any one of these three tasks:
A. Use the rental system and be active for more than 10 days (Scholarship) at https://marketplace.dracoomaster.com/lease/all-market
B. Participate in 10 deathmatches at https://game.dracoomaster.com/
C. Complete 50 PVP battles at https://game.dracoomaster.com/
After the OAT campaign end date, we will draw 3000 users qualified for the Glory Pass.
Winners will be announced after Nov 30th, 2022.

Smart Savings
Use your claimable balance on Galxe Smart Savings if you need additional liquidity to complete on-chain tasks.
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