Dracoo World
Dracoo World Glory Pass up for grabs - Claim OAT to stand a chance!

Complete the tasks below from Nov 9th to 30th, 2022 to claim an OAT, and stand a chance to get whitelisted for the Dracoo World Glory Pass.

++Off-chain Tasks++

  1. Follow @Dracoo_Master on Twitter

  2. Join Dracoo Master's Discord Server

  3. Quote Tweet and mention 3 friends

++On-chain Tasks++

Completing any one of these three tasks:

A. Use the rental system and be active for more than 10 days (Scholarship) at https://marketplace.dracoomaster.com/lease/all-market

B. Participate in 10 deathmatches at https://game.dracoomaster.com/

C. Complete 50 PVP battles at https://game.dracoomaster.com/

After the OAT campaign end date, we will draw 3000 users qualified for the Glory Pass.

Winners will be announced after Nov 30th, 2022.

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