Burnt (XION)
Generalized Abstraction Testnet: BetFi Gaming

BetFi, the first consumer-friendly Web3 gaming casino, has just launched on XION!

Its another visible example of Generalized Abstraction in action. It combines XION's meta accounts and parameterized fee layer to enable gameplay that is truly seamless and accessible across all devices, and to all audiences. You won’t even realize that the game is on-chain. There are no seed phrases, no constant popups, no confusing transactions, no crypto jargon — just pure fun & gameplay.

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Faucet: ++https://xion.betfi.fun/tools/faucet++

Play: ++https://xion.betfi.fun++

Claim badge & compete on ++https://xion.bonusblock.io++

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XION’s Generalized Abstraction layer is purpose-built for mass consumer adoption by enshrining UX at the protocol-level, and the testnet enables developers to build user-friendly experiences using its novel functionalities. If you haven’t yet, check out the recently released XION whitepaper: xion.burnt.com/whitepaper.pdf

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As always, make sure to follow XION’s social channels and keep your notifications turned on for all the exciting releases, upcoming developer-focused hackathon events, and additional ways to get involved.

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