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A limited-time campaign to celebrate the new special partnership between Brilliantcrypto and Galxe, with a new Closed Beta Test 🔥
This special campaign will reward community members along every step of their journey in learning more about Brilliantcrypto, from following socials to acquiring authentic digital gemstones in-game. The timeline and flow for the campaign is as follows.
13/12/2023 06:00 – 19/12/2023 05:59 (UTC) ⏰
Over total of 500,000 JPY in MATIC in rewards are available to be split among Galxe campaign winners. 🎁
1000 lucky winners will be eligible to win.
Furthermore, if you sign up for the Brilliantcrypto Beta Test and are selected, you can earn up to 8500 JPY worth of ETH for completing the test.
Over $100,000 worth of rewards in ETH are available for those who apply through Discord!
Simply apply for the Closed Beta Test at #beta-application when you join our Discord server, and if you are chosen for the test, you will receive 100 JPY for each Brilliantstone you mine (up to 85 Brilliantstones)
Also, if you find a rare, high quality gemstone, you can get even more rewards!
Good luck–we'll see you in the mines! 💎