Bounce X TypeIt AMA: $TYPE IDO on Bounce
Introducing TypeIt, the first Web3 mobile keyboard that enables users to earn passive income by conducting day-to-day typing. Get ready for TypeIt’s ++Initial DEX Offering (IDO)++ on Bounce Finance at ++3PM UTC, June 28th++! TypeIt’s native token, $TYPE, will be on sale at the price of 0.05 USDT.
Bounce Finance is hosting a Twitter Space AMA with TypeIt at ++3PM UTC, June 27th++. Join us to learn all about TypeIt & the power of $TYPE, and get insights into their upcoming IDO on Bounce Finance!
Complete the following steps to win 🎁 1 OAT + 50 T-Coins (= 45 USDT)👇 (You can redeem $TYPE with T-Coins)
- Follow @typeit_ on Twitter
- Join TypeIt Discord
- Visit TypeIt Website and download TypeIt App
- Follow @bounce_finance Twitter
- Join Bounce Finance Discord
- Join Twitter Space
- Retweet this tweet
- Comment your question for TypeIt under this tweet , 5 questions that get picked will share 50 T-Coins (= 45 USDT)

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