Builders Voyage --- Claim NFT, Collect Linea Voyage XPs & more

Complete all the tasks in this campaign on Galxe: Claim first-ever Builder & Backer NFT, Collect Linea Voyage XPs and Aspecta Building Points.

Recognize your support to both ecosystems!


Fail to verify all the tasks in this campaign on Galxe will NOT impact your eligibility to collect Linea Voyage XPs.

Builders Voyage Campaign ends on 11/21/9:00 AM EST. We provide an extra grace period for participants to verify task credentials and obtain Aspecta Building Points on Galxe.


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  • Participate in Builders Voyage Campaign co-initiated by Linea & Aspecta --- Claim BuilderNFTs or BackerNFTs and collect XP⬇
    Builders Voyage Campaign Website