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The Blueberry Nebula [Claim only]

It’s early in your travels.

You’re excited for what’s to come with no fear of anything in your way.

But all of a sudden you see glimmers of light in the distance…can it be..? A never before seen Nebula?

But there’s a strange odor coming from it..why does it smell like Blueberries!?

There is clearly a lot more happening here than meets the eye..

Note: This NFT represents the completion of GMX’s task on the 1st week of the Arbitrum Odyssey: Reignited in collaboration with Galxe, Ratwell, and frens.


Task 1: Make a leveraged trade on a GMX V2 market

> Click here for instructions for Task 1.

Task 2: Follow GMX on Twitter and share your personal GMX referral link on social media

> Click here for instructions for Task 2.

  • For more information, please check out #odyssey-faq at

  • For more information, visit our Campaign Status Tracker here

  • Reminder: The activities for this week will run from 09/26 12pm EST to 10/01 12pm EST. You will have until 10/08 at 12 pm EST to claim your NFT, provided that the activities are completed by 10/01 12pm EST deadline.

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