Warden Protocol
$3,000 in $WARD tokens - Warden Genesis Raffle Campaign

As our protocol is currently under active development, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our Airdrop Campaign Phase 1.

This first phase will be focused on offchain activity that will help us promote Warden Protocol and its upcoming dApps. Our aim is to onboard active community members with a gamified experience that will ultimately reward contributions with a share of the WARD utility token airdrop.

This Raffle Campaign aims at onboarding our community on our Social Media as well as giving them a chance to be rewarded for it when $WARD will be launched.

Expexected Rewards:

  • 300 people will receive $WARD tokens
  • Validating those quests allows to enter one-shot campaigns with $WARD reward tokens, OG roles (Protectors), exclusive badges, profile pictures and $USDT rewards
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