BAB Holders Giveaway

OpenOcean, the best spot trading tool in DeFi space, aggregates most major sources of market liquidity across multiple public chains. Featuring TradingView tool and limit order, the trading experience on OpenOcean is just like spot trading on Binance with the best return. OpenOcean will create a limited edition claimable NFT exclusively for BAB holders for a limited time period.


Must be a Binance Account Bound Token holder

and then either:

  1. Follow OpenOcean on Twitter
  2. Subscribe OpenOceam's Medium

Holding this OAT you will be able to:

  1. enjoy up to 90% gas fee rebates referral program on BNB Chain;
  2. Participate in exclusive $OOE airdrops raffles and gas fee rebate campaign provided by OpenOcean (Campaign details TBA).

Participate in $OOE single staking and farming with lucrative APR (OOE/BNB, OOE/BUSD) on OpenOcean and win extra NFTs. These NFT holders will win mysterious future farming campaigns.

Subscribe to Galxe+ to have free credits starting from just $1.69/month.