Jumper Exchange
Ser Bridgealot Campaign Jumper x IPOR Week 9

A knight is a blend of BTFD, HODLER and Bridgooor. Trained in the combats of the Bear market and driven by a sense of making it in the bull run, Jump with us on a journey through the enchanting cross-chain ecosystem and experience the legacy of our kingdom allies, we shall knight you as the Ser Bridgealot.

Greetings Jumper, welcome to the Quest #9 of the Ser Bridgealot Campaign. This quest is a Medium level quest and participants will recieve the Ser Bridgealot Campaign Jumper x IPOR NFT.


  1. Follow both IPOR and Jumper on twitter.

  2. Like & rewteet both IPOR and Jumper tweets.

  3. Bridge a minimum of $25 worth of $USDC from Arbitrum to ethereum mainnet using jumper.exchange.

  4. Deposit a minimum of $25 worth of $USDC liquidity on IPOR USDC Pool.

Participation period: 31st August - 7th September

Appeal Period: 7th September - 10th September




In depth Guide doc: https://lifi.notion.site/Ser-Bridgealot-Campaign-week-9-IPOR-Guide-a8a436b3c25c4da7a6bf5c20e91f4567?pvs=4

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