In tandem with this revolution, BitKeep supports Solana Foundation on Solana ecosystem growth by hosting a Solana Ecosystem Month campaign and rewarding our community with an airdrop event of $10,000 USDC.
Alongside the grand USDC airdrop, BitKeep and Solana are delighted to present an exclusive Solana Non-Fungible Token (NFT), symbolizing the revolutionary spirit of Solana's blockchain technology.
How to mint Solana NFT? 🔍
1️⃣Step1:Verify you're BitKeep user
Plan A: Add BitKeep extension to create a BitKeep address and connect Galxe to verify the task!
Plan B: Download BitKeep wallet and import your wallet address that you use on Galxe to verify the task!
2️⃣Step2: Use a Solana compatible wallet like BitKeep to mint NFT with some SOL!
What will you get? 🎁
You can earn the exclusive commemorative NFT on the Solana mainnet from Solana & BitKeep collaboration.
Users holding the NFT have a chance to win an airdrop prize ranging between $2 and $100 USDC in BitKeep. Besides this, New BitKeep users hold at least $10 worth of assets in your BitKeep wallet to win a guaranteed airdrop!
BitKeep和Solana联合举办 Solana 生态系统月活动,并提供10,000 USDC的空投活动奖励,以此支持 Solana 基金会共同促进 Solana 生态发展。
除了 USDC 空投之外,BitKeep 和 Solana 基金会还推出独家 Solana 和BitKeep 纪念 NFT。
如何参与? 🔍
方法A: 添加BitKeep插件钱包,创建BitKeep地址并连接到Galxe来验证此任务!
方法B: 下载BitKeep钱包并导入您在Galxe上使用的钱包地址到BitKeep,您可成功验证此任务!
2️⃣第2步:使用Solana兼容钱包,比如BitKeep wallet,并用一些SOL来mint NFT!
你会得到什么奖励? 🎁
您可以得到Solana 主网上的Solana与BitKeep的独家纪念 NFT。
持有 NFT 的 BitKeep 用户有机会赢得 2 美元到 100 美元 USDC 之间的空投奖励。除此之外, BitKeep 新用户在钱包中持有至少价值 10 美元的资产 100% 会收到空投!