Scroll is a zkEVM-based zkRollup on Ethereum that enables native compatibility for existing Ethereum applications and tools.
Scroll Mainnet has been launched. To celebrate it, we are launching an Incetivized Scroll Mainnet Campaign.
To participate, please complete several quests:
1.Follow BitgetWallet’s Twitter account
2.Follow Scroll_ZKP’s Twitter account
3.Verify if you're Bitget Wallet user
Download the latest version of ++Bitget Wallet++
How to verify if you’re a Bitget Wallet user?
Plan A: Add Bitget Wallet extension to create a Bitget Wallet address and connect Galxe to verify the task!
Plan B: Download Bitget Wallet and import your wallet address that you use on Galxe to verify the task!
Scroll Mainnet已经上线。为了庆祝这一重要时刻,我们启动了Scrolling Mainnet活动。
3.验证您是否是Bitget Wallet用户
下载最新版本的 ++Bitget Wallet++
如何验证您是否是 Bitget Wallet 用户?
方法 A: 添加 Bitget Wallet 扩展,创建一个 Bitget Wallet 地址并连接 Galxe 来验证任务!
方法 B: 下载 Bitget Wallet 并导入您在 Galxe 上使用的钱包地址来验证任务!