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Have the @everyone role in XOS Discord Server
In Bitget English Official community, we divided the contribution of members to the community into 13 different levels and designed the NFT of 13 different roles for you to collect. Every day, we will update a new role NFT for you to mint!
Join our community and don't miss the chance to win BIG!
::: hljs-center
**** FAQ ****
1. When will I be eligible to mint NFT?
Stay in ++Bitget English Official Telegram community++, admin will announce eligible participants list in community and inform you to mint NFT in batches.
2. How do I check other members' rep points in Bitget English Official Telegram community?
Use the command* '/myrep @Username'.
3. How can I register a Bitget account?
You can register a Bitget account via the specific sign-up link here 👉 https://partner.bitget.com/bg/BitgetRepRoles